12 November, 2012

Day Old Blues

Some photos I took on a day trip up to Venice and Santa Monica. I was using expired film in my Canon, resulting in the slight discoloration of these photos. 

22 September, 2012

Movin' On

This photoshoot of sorts with Olivia and April makes up the last photos I took before starting my new life as a college student in San Diego, making the last photo of this set particularly appropriate.

From You Are Remarkable by Kelly Cashman

A collage made by April.

From You Are Remarkable by Kelly Cashman

16 September, 2012


After two years with my trustee Canon, I inherited a new (old) camera to use, my great uncle's Minolta x700. These pictures are a result of a photoshoot with April, Gaby, and Kim to experiment with a variety of apertures, lenses, and filters. 

17 July, 2012

Mountain Sound

I brought my Holga to Yosemite and on the insane hike up to the top of Half Dome. Many of the photos didn't turn out, but these are a few of the surviving ones. 

A view from a random lookout spot, with half dome in the distant background.

Standing above one of the many waterfalls on the hike to the Half Dome summit.

09 July, 2012


I brought my Holga along on a family trip to Disney World and Universal Studios in Florida. 

An accidental double exposure.

20 June, 2012

June Gloom

 Another hike to the secret waterfall with April, Torrey, Daniel, and others. 

18 June, 2012

Summertime, and the Livin's Easy

After having my senior portraits taken at a really beautiful vineyard not far from my house, I returned there with April, Kim, Gaby, and Jessica for a little photo adventuring. 

10 May, 2012

The Best Coast

My mom, sister, and I took a trip down to San Diego to visit UCSD, where I would be attending in the fall, and explored some of the cliffs and beach towns along the way.

21 March, 2012

It Was All Yellow

Some good ol' frolicking in the mustard fields with Gaby and April. I tried out a new type of film in my Canon from what I normally use, and I'm really happy with how the colors of these photos turned out.